The Daily post one-word prompt “Cheat”

Okay, the word is cheat. There are a dozen images that come to mind. All the way from the guy that cuts in line, the person that switches price tags to the kid peeking in the other kids test page.

Okay, there are so many forms of the word and so many examples . The word basically means something the person does​ to obtain something​ they desire without doing things the right way to obtain it. Okay, could I get any more vague or ambiguous​?

From a sports fan taking some form of steroid​ to enhance their game playing ability​ to the guy forgetting to put down all the undeclared income in the column​ because​ it will put him 5.00 over the line to get medical benefits​ of thousands of dollars.

About morningsinger3

I have been writing since I was in high school. My favorite forms of writing are ,horror, historical and fantasy fiction.
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